Friday, December 14, 2012

Cancer & Oxygen

Love this article by Green Smoothie Girl, Robyn Openshaw.

I have become a holistic-cancer-treatment junkie and save any and all info I find on cancer treatment (naturally, of course) even though I don't have cancer and thankfully I don't have a single loved one who does.  However, that may certainly change as the years go by (and no I'm not trying to wil the universe to test that) but if it ever DOES happen, I want to be ready.  No one in my household will be safe from me - the kill Cancer nazi.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Cancer World Summit - Free Seminar!

Most of the people in this seminar I recognize and follow.  I love their message, I love their dedicated hard work to clue in people to the real cures for cancer - and there are cures, make no mistake about that.  If you know someone who has cancer, I hope you'll benefit from clicking on the link below.  If  you don't know anybody right now, you will some day and this information could save lives.  I don't know anybody but I constantly research and compile information on treating and preventing cancer so that if I or somebody dear to me ever faces this, I will be far more ready to help than if I sat and did nothing years in advance.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

30 Days, 30 Reasons, 30 Ways.

October is Vegetarian Month so I'll be posting quite a bit on the benefits of passing up that too-large portion of chicken or steak every night on top of that chicken sandwhich for lunch and the bacon and sausage you maybe had for breakfast. ;)

I love this article - 30 Days, 30 Reasons, 30 Ways: Go Vegetarian In October!  Go ahead and click on it - I dare you.  It's really not that hard to say "No Mo'" to the beef.

No Such Thing As Humane Farming?

I learned a thing or two when reading this article and without a doubt you will, too.  Please take a moment and read...some of the pictures alone will resonate louder than the words.  I can't understand the senselessness. I can't go buy the meat department without thinking of things such as this:

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Healthy At 100

Worth the ten minutes for anyone curious how a vegetarian/plant-based diet is superior than any other fad diet or calorie counting program out there!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Chemicals Are Making Us Fat by Jessica Ainscough

I love her honesty at the beginning - both about her own vanity and the sad truth that most women aren't motivated into health unless it does affect their jean size.  Read on peeps and see a short list of dangerous chemicals in products you use every day.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

FDA At It Again.

Anything pure, wholesome, natural and God-given is a target to the FDA.  They will not be happy until all our rights are stripped away and we are a docile, drug-laden herd of Americans.  News articles like this one:

are all over the net.  Everyone is trying to do their part to ensure that the FDA cannot continue robbing us of our freedoms and choices.  They do not decide what is best for you or me to put into our bodies or what we decide to use to heal ourselves.  I like this blog because she does her homework and she's included ways to get in touch with our 'government' and let them know how we feel.  I've signed more petitions this last few weeks than I have in my lifetime.  It's so vitally important that everyone get educated, become aware of what's going on and what the FDA's evil plans are and, most importantly, GET INVOLVED!!!!  Please take a few seconds to scroll through and see what you can do and I recommend signing this petition:

Monday, September 10, 2012

Watermelon Bowl

Check out my snack:

Awhile ago I was curious if there was a better way to cut up a watermelon - one that didn't take half my life and wasn't so messy.  I got on YouTube and was very happy with the first video I clicked on:

I love that this older guy is up with the technology and posting videos on YouTube.  I don't even know how to edit videos...I'm sure it would be easy if I just decided to learn how.  But I don't and he does so I think he's cool.  

Anyway, I had this mini watermelon and I cut it using the fancy new way I learned and went outside to enjoy the sunshine, ate my melon out of it's 'bowl' and read a good book.  Yay!
Don't be fooled by all the media coverage falsely saying that organic foods are no healthier than conventionally grown foods. It's simply not true.  Here's a little article about GMO's and why you should care about the labeling Proposition 37 going on right now.