Monday, February 14, 2011

Fluoride Reduction

Visit Pure Water Freedom here:

for some tips on reducing your fluoride intake.

Why is this important? Because sodium fluoride is a poison!! 1 part per million more than doubles the chance of bone cancer in boys and men! And there has been 900 parts per million has been found in powdered eggs!! Can you believe that?? Fluoride causes sterility, reduces IQ's and the list goes on and on! Nazi's used to add sodium flouride to the water of their prisoners to make them more docile! And the fact that it is in our water is FORCED MEDICATION - and should be against the law! But it's not only in our water and toothpaste, it's been added to hundreds of products including baby products which is completely unneccessary and with all this extra flouride to 'save our teeth', there is a whopping amount of children with dental fluorosis - a condition where they receive TOO MUCH fluoride and their teeth are being damaged.

Visit this website:
for some more facts about the dangers of fluoride.

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