Sunday, August 7, 2011


I'm due to have a baby...any day now would be great. I'm choosing NOT to vaccinate my children and it's something I was set on way before I was even ready to start poppin' out the babes. Recently, a friend of mine showed me I have been perusing through this site a little at a time. If you're one that's on the fence about vaccines, check out this site. You might deicde vaccines are for you and you may decide they are not. I personally recommend you read this flyer. And as always, go out and search and decide for yourself. I read enewsletters all the time from different sources (sources that are non-profit, independent, and, I believe, trustworthy) and I become more and more convinced vaccines are more dangerous than they are helpful. Like this about the flu shot, this one on 'possible' autism links, or this one on infant mortality and vaccines.

Other sites:
Natural Society


  1. I know vaccines are a touchy subject for many people. Unfortunately Alan's sister has a good friend who lost her 3 month old baby to whooping cough 1 1/2 years was likely caught by mom or dad because babies can't get that vaccine until 6 months. (That's one I would recommend any mother and father get in the hospital.) Alan's mother also had polio as a child and it has greatly affected her life. Just knowing what she went through is really hard to hear. I think sometimes it's so easy to forget how horrible some of these diseases are. In my opinion, the benefits of vaccines far outweighs the risks.

    However, and that is a BIG however, I strongly believe parents need to do what they believe is best for their child. If you believe this is best for your child, I think that is the best. There are too many "parents" who abuse and neglect their children.

    Love you Mags!

  2. Yes, I still feel it's a hard decision to make. I feel vaccines have been beneficial but that they are no longer about the health and safety of the people as they are about the money they make. I feel that these days, the risks far outweigh the benefits. it's hard to know what to do though, either way. Thanks ASh!
