Monday, November 22, 2010

11. Get All Your Immunization Shots.

In his book, The Maker's Diet, Jordan Rubin devotes a chapter to 27 recommendations on how to GET sick and suggests that if you want to remain as healthy as possible, go AGAINST these 27 suggestions if at all possible.

11. Get All Your Immunization Shots

"Despite massive media and government public relations campaigns to the contrary, certain childhood immunization injections may pose considerable risks to children. Most adults today received one to five immunizations in childhool, but schoolchildren today receive an average of twenty-two or more immunizations - most of them administered while he brain and nervous system are still developing!

An epidemic of juvenile autism and other neurological and dvelopmental disorders sweeping through America's school-age children generally coincides with the introduction of certain mandatory immunizations. A growing body of scientific and medical research appears to link this dangerous health trend to these childhool immunizations.

Vijendra K. Singh, Ph.D., an eminent neuroimmuniologist from the Department of Biology and Biotechnology Center at Utah State University, hypothesized in research published internationally 'that a measles virus-induced autoimmune response is a causal factor in autism, whereas HHV-6 via co-infection may contribute to pathophysiology of the disorder. Although as yet unproven, I think it is an excellent working hypothesis to explain autism, and it may also help us understand why some children show autistic regression after the measles-mumps-rebella (MMR) immunization.'

Dr. Singh's findings seem to confirm that results of a similar study published in the Lancet in 1998 by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and co-workers of they Royal Free Hospital in London, indicating a possible link between MMR vaccination, Crohn's disease of the bowel, and autism. Most states allow philosophical and religious exemptions from mandatory immunization programs should you decide this is the way to go."

I have included some links that leads to further links compiled on Natural News if you care to take a look.