Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"You Cannot Step in The Same River Twice"

Look what I learned today:

Quantum physicists have proven that 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced
within one year. Every three months, your body produces an entirely new skeleton. Every six weeks, all the cells have been replaced in your liver. You have a new stomach lining every five days. You are continually replacing old blood cells with new ones. Every month you produce a new skin as dead cells are shed and new cells grow underneath. The proteins in your muscles are continually turned over as muscle is broken down and new tissue is synthesized. Even your actual DNA as physical cells were not there six weeks ago. Every cell in your body is constantly being recycled.

-Tony Venuto

URL Change

Just a little sidenote - next week I am going to change the URL for this blog. This blog was originally blitz-dubnutrition because it started out as something entirelly different. But the more I thought about it, the more I had to blog about what I know to be true. will soon be

Long name I know but some other guy beat me to gonatural and everything short that I could think of is already taken. So!! Take note and change it!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Check This Out!

My cousin totally transformed herself after her last baby using Turbo Jam. She is now a certified teacher and her energy and motivation is awesome. She went out to New York be a part of the new infomercial for Turbo Jam sometime last year and now it's on their website!! She's toward the end of it but you can also see her picture down at the bottom of the page. It just goes to show you how there is no easy, magical pill that will help you lose FAT and, most importantly, keep MUSCLE. It's HARD WORK and it involves a lot of sweat and determination. What an awesome example!

Friday, April 23, 2010

A Cancer Industry??

Please take the time to read this. I couldn't put it better so I am not going to try. And as far as my thoughts go on a "Cancer Industry"...YES, I believe it. I KNOW there is a cure for cancer out there already and I have often thought, 'How can the Susan G. Komen campaign still need to be researching cures for cancer because there already is one?....they would know it....but then what would they do without all that money???' I do NOT think that this article is too extreme - I actually believe there is truth in every. single. word. That's my stance, and I am not afraid to say that our government is leading us to the slaughter.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Food Revolution

I love that people are becoming more and more aware of the "food" that the nation eats on a daily basis. I know it's hard for some folks to believe that the people who make this food and sell it KNOW that it is harmful and dangerous. It's a true conspiracy: sick people = billions of dollars.

I think I have mentioned my cousin before who has totally transformed herself and her lifestyle. She totally rocks the health world now and even teaches classes in her hometown. I love her energy and her motivating words she puts on Facebook! She sent out an email that I wanted to share. I don't know too much about Jamie Oliver because I don't watch too much t.v. and I am not sure how I haven't at least seen much of him on the Internet, but in any case, a Food Revolution is what this country needs. I hope you read!

"Loves, In my recent studies of nutrition and how what we put into our bodies effects us, I have been very disturbed at the "foods" being served in most schools. There is also a great problem with our favorite restaurants and how they purposefully process foods in a way that makes them much higher in fat, sugar, and salt than necessary, which increases the opportunity for our brains to literally become overstimulated and cause food addictions. Fat and sugar are among the most popular & cheapest preservatives. Our school foods are being pumped full of fat & sugar then fried & frozen even before it's shipped off to our school's freezers to be reheated & fried yet again.

I am writing to encourage you to sign Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Petition. This petition will be taken to Washingtin, D.C. later this year. If you are parent, a grandparent, a teacher, or a person who wants to see yourself and/or our children healthier, please take a moment to sign. For many people in our country, this is a matter of life and death. And for those of you concerned about healthcare costs, the government spent $92.6 billion in 2002 to treat obesity-related issues, and I would be confident to say that I am sure these numbers have risen, perhaps exponentially, since 2002.

We have 250,000 signatures so far--please take a moment to sign it and pass this forward!

It's time to eat real food again, to think about what we are putting in our bodies, and to stop and be sure what we are giving to our kids is what we really want them ingesting, and how the food we give them effects their bodies, brains, and behavior. What our society has accepted as "food" is not food, but chemicals and processed grains (almost every single packaged food product can be linked back to processed corn).

If you are interested in viewing Jamie Oliver's struggle to change just one American town's attitudes towards food, you can find Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution at and view it for free. Especially if you have children or grandchildren who eat at public school, this will make you understand that we all need to take action, because we are slowly killing our children with the "food" we are feeding them.

I've watched all of the available episodes's on & LOVE the show! It's fabulous! I'd love to hear your thoughts! And, please. Sign the petition & share!

yours in health & happiness,

8. Swim in Chlorinated Pools (and drink and shower in chlorinated water).

In his book, The Maker's Diet, Jordan Rubin devotes a chapter to 27 recommendations on how to GET sick and suggests that if you want to remain as healthy as possible, go AGAINST these 27 suggestions if at all possible.

8. Swim in Chlorinated Pools (and drink and shower in chlorinated water).

Chlorine is an effective bacteria killer, although some strains of bacteria are developing a resistance to chlorine. Unfortunately, chlorine is an indiscriminate killer that kills both friendly and unfriendly bacteria. It also eats through lead pipes, corrodes most metals, and harms cells and DNA strands in virtually every living thing it touches. Chlorine also introduces to our water supplies some highly carcinogenic chemicals called trihalomethanes (THMs). Studies show a strong link between chlorinated water supplies with elevated THM levels and cancers of the bladder, kidney, liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, colon, and brain. It is risky enough to drink chlorinated tap water, but the mass exposure created by swimming in chlorinated pools or taking extended hot showers in heavily chlorinated water is much more dangerous. (The heat opens skin pores and increases the already high absorption rate of chlorine through the skin). Dogs exposed to chlorine (this is the ingredient used to bleach white bread) get the running fits, a disorder similar to many psychiatric disorders in humans.

That one may be hard to digest for the happy swimmers! I know I swim a couple times a summer, even already knowing this. The information is just there for you to do what you want with it. I believe every word he says: but I can't help a trip into the pool once or twice. But I know I definately wouldn't make it a summerlong occurence.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


This article enrages me. It's proposterous, it's idiotic, it's baffling and horrible. This only fuels my belief that doctors try to treat symptoms, never looking at the cause, and have all the wrong solutions. Why would you do this to a family? Who gives them (the British Government) the right to decide to take a kid away because the parents won't feed him JUNK FOOD?? Grrrrrrrr!!!