Friday, October 12, 2012

Cancer World Summit - Free Seminar!

Most of the people in this seminar I recognize and follow.  I love their message, I love their dedicated hard work to clue in people to the real cures for cancer - and there are cures, make no mistake about that.  If you know someone who has cancer, I hope you'll benefit from clicking on the link below.  If  you don't know anybody right now, you will some day and this information could save lives.  I don't know anybody but I constantly research and compile information on treating and preventing cancer so that if I or somebody dear to me ever faces this, I will be far more ready to help than if I sat and did nothing years in advance.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

30 Days, 30 Reasons, 30 Ways.

October is Vegetarian Month so I'll be posting quite a bit on the benefits of passing up that too-large portion of chicken or steak every night on top of that chicken sandwhich for lunch and the bacon and sausage you maybe had for breakfast. ;)

I love this article - 30 Days, 30 Reasons, 30 Ways: Go Vegetarian In October!  Go ahead and click on it - I dare you.  It's really not that hard to say "No Mo'" to the beef.

No Such Thing As Humane Farming?

I learned a thing or two when reading this article and without a doubt you will, too.  Please take a moment and read...some of the pictures alone will resonate louder than the words.  I can't understand the senselessness. I can't go buy the meat department without thinking of things such as this:

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Healthy At 100

Worth the ten minutes for anyone curious how a vegetarian/plant-based diet is superior than any other fad diet or calorie counting program out there!