Friday, December 18, 2009

Chew Your Food!!

Did you know that digestion begins in your mouth, not in your stomach?? It begins the moment we start chewing. The act of chewing mechanically breaks down our food. Our saliva contains enzymes that contributes to the chemical breakdown of our food. And while we chew, we are telling the rest of our digestive system to get ready. When food is not chewed well enough, and we swallow large portions of food to big to be broken down, incomplete digestion occurs. Nutrients do not get extracted as they should!! AND! Undigested food becomes a source for bacteria in the colon. We do not want this!! Health comes from out gut. Our gut is not just another organ, it is more like it's own brain!! If we aren't chewing, we aren't helping the gut to do it's job - which is to extract from our food the nutrients we need to stay healthy.
Stop and think about when you put food in your mouth. How many times would you say you chew before you swallow? Two or three? Five? Ten?? Most of us chew our food only about seven times before we swallow. It should be closer to the number 35! Usually our modern day busy and stressful lives contribute to how fast we wolf down our food. Other times it's just because that is what is ingrained in us and we never took the time to teach ourselves to chew more and eat slower. Eating slower can help you chew more. Also, put your fork down in between bites and grind that food down to dust!! You don't have to count how many times you've chewed each forkful, but chew that food until you can't tell what it is you put in your mouth. Your bowels will thank you!

1 comment:

  1. That may or may not explain a lot. Maybe I'll have to try a little experiment.
