Tuesday, June 15, 2010


You have probably all heard the commercial promoting Xylitol.

One lady comes on saying that their dentist says no more candy or gum.
The next lady come on saying that their dentist says eat candy and gum...with Xylitol.

Xylitol, as far as I have learned, is a low calorie 5-carbon sugar derived birch bark. Regular sugars a 6-carbons and are harmful to your health, whereas the claims surrounding Xylitol is that is actually benefits and aids your health.

I haven't formed an opinion about whether or not I believe the Xylitol health benefits to be true. My qualm here is that Big Industry is only concerned about the profit to be had in Xylitol. Who, in their right mind, recommends eating candy?? Whether it is made with Xylitol or not, it is still bad for you. It is still junk. Things like this really get under my skin because people really do hear a radio commercial and go: "Yes! I can eat all the junk food I want if it has Xylitol in it because 'they' say Xylitol is good for you!"
Doesn't that seem a little...foolish??....stupid??....wrong?? People jumped all over Equal, Splenda, and Nutra-Sweet. "It has no calories!!" "It's natural!!" 'they' claim. And unfortunately, nobody stops to think that these are just one more processed chemical (for they are actually chemicals) added to already overly processed, dead food. And now we know that the main ingredient in these, Aspartame, is a poison - a deadly one wreaking all kinds of havok on our bodies. Have we learned our lesson, yet?? Unfortunately no.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the processed chemical idea. I didn't need government studies to tell me Splenda and the like weren't going to be good for me. As for any new claim, I always say wait awhile, and after enough time, new items either prove themselves or shoot themselves in the foot. And if I'm going to eat junk, I like it the "natural" way...sugar and fat, why add something else to the mix.
