Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Eat Healthy!!

Paul and I were talking the other night about healthy lifestyles and food choices. To us, it's easy to see through the false advertising and dishonest campaigns telling us that their food is healthy...even though it can be bought at a drive-thru or it comes as a frozen meal or it claims to be made with whole grain!! My favorite is "It's wheat bread, so it's healthy". Ha ha ha ha ha. I think "Come on, people!!" It is alarming how many people have not been taught one tiny ounce of proper eating and nutrition and therefore believe the 'health industries' hype as true.

As we are discussing this, Paul mentions a lady who he works with (I don't know names) that was complaining about not being able to lose weight. "I eat healthy!," she says. Paul said: "You're kidding, right?? Just because the canned soup you eat every day says Healthy Choice, doesn't mean it is. You are consuming loads of chemicals and preservatives and hello, have you ever looked at the sodium content?? It's not hard to see why you retain water." Right to the point, my husband.

It's hard to know what is really good for you when people claim something has all of these health benefits and such. But, things like canned soup - "Come on, people!!"

1 comment:

  1. This is a tough one for people for two main reasons: lack of time and growing up eating pre-made food. I grew up poor, but it forced us to eat only the basic foods. We couldn't afford much on the drink side, so we mainly drank water. I felt jipped a lot, but now I see that there was a lot of blessings to that life. I try to cook from "scratch" all the time, but with more flavor. I hope my kids do the same when they are older.
