Friday, February 19, 2010

6. Use Artificial Sweetners and Avoid Sugars

In his book, The Maker's Diet, Jordan Rubin devotes a chapter to 27 recommendations on how to GET sick and suggests that if you want to remain as healthy as possible, go AGAINST these 27 suggestions if at all possible.

6. Use Artificial Sweetners and Avoid Sugars.

As bad as sugar can be in its various forms, artificial sweeteners are worse! Some are downright deadly because of their carcinogenic properties and their use in such high-volume products as diet soft drinks and sugar-free foods. Chief among sinners is aspartame, which is marketed as NutraSweet or Equal. Renowned diabetes expert Dr. H.J. Roberts believes there is a clear scientific link between aspartame and increased incidence of brain tumors, seizure disorders, chronic headaches, and hyperactivity in children. As for saccharin, the cancer-causing labebls that accompany its use still apply. The newcomer on the block is sucralose (used in Splenda), but the jury of scientific research still seems to be awaiting further testimony on this one. (If the Maker didn't produce it "as is", then it probably isn't much better than the other synthetic sugar substitutes.)

My own thoughts about products that are man-made go hand in hand with Jordan's comment. I personally believe that, as a rule-of-thumb, it is better to just stay natural in all things. The processes that our sugar, food, etc go through are not natural or good for our bodies. At my old place of employment, ladies drank several diet sodas throughout the day. They would then complain of headaches (and then rush to get another diet soda so that the caffein could 'help' their headache), that they felt tired and sluggish and that they were gaining, not losing weight. HELLOOOOOOOOO???? I tried and tried to tell them that the aspartame and chemicals in these sodas were the culprit of all of the above symptoms. They wouldn't listen to me when I said that Diet sodas are actually more harmful and make you put on more weight than a regular soda. They still drink Diet and they still complain. Whatever. Water, people!!! It's what your body craves, needs, and wants. aspartame! What a bargain.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Maghann
    I'm here because I read tink's Happy Thoughts . Anyways, I'm very interested in nutrition also- I've read the books "The Makers Diet" and "Natural Cures" among many others about nutrition. I'm interested in what kind of foods and snacks you prepare- that is my challenge, trying to keep a family of 6 eating whole foods, when convenience foods are soo ... convenient. Anyways, it is nice to see someone I know "believes" what I do about nutrition!
    btw Have you every made sauerkraut from scratch?
    Lynette Olsen
