Monday, May 17, 2010


Motivation: the state or condition of being motivated.

Ever have those moments where you have to talk yourself into working out? I have been running double what I used to run lately and it can be super hard at times to feel the motivation to get up and do another 40 minutes of running. The longer I'm at it, the more motivation I need. Anyone else feel like that?

So what do you do for motivation?

A couple things that work for me:

I have my goals written and posted somewhere where I read them everyday. I am way too stubborn to give up on something I set my mind to.

I list the reasons I want these goals and remind myself of how good it will feel when I get there. I am constantly visualizing what I want.

I record everything I do so I can see my progress. Seeing progress and knowing all your hard work is paying off feels incredible!

Get a buddy to work out with. Mine would be my husband...or will be again someday!

One of my absolute favorites - get a new pair of workout duds!! When you look good and feel good in what you are wearing, you have a little more pep in your step. Getting a new pair of workout shoes, a sports bra, or (my favorite new purchase) cute little knee-length shorts makes me want to get up and show it off!

MUSIC!! Putting together a new playlist or purchasing a few fun upbeat songs that I would love to run to helps a ton. It's so fun to run to something that totally gets you going!

1 comment:

  1. I could use a pair of new work out dudes...oh wait, you said duds. Well I guess I could use those too. I like your idea about writing down my progress. And I hope you get your partner back real soon.
