Thursday, March 17, 2011

I've Been Thinkin'....

Lately I've been experiencing inner turmoil, dread, and overwhelming anxiety. Why the doom and gloom?? While, yes, it does have something to do with the most recent disaster in Japan and the radioactive plume that is inevitably coming our way, it also has to do with the government and their control over our food supply, the dwindling supply of nutrient-dense soil, the dwindling supply of fossil water, etc, etc, etc. It feels like disaster is everywhere. When I read and research to try to prepare my food storage and medicine storage, I get more and more discouraged at the vast amount knowledge I need to have. I feel like there is too much for me to possibly retain!!!

There is going to come a time when we experience food shortage. A lot of people know this and prepare for it. A lot of people have no clue. And what is extremely sad is that gardening and harvesting your own food is pratically a lost art. It's ridiculous of me to even say it's a lost art. Maybe not so much in the more rural areas of the country where farming and growing food is the way of life. But for cities where there are people packed on top of people, gardening and harvesting is a lost art. Why learn it when you can walk down the block or drive down the street and get any kind of nutrient-dead, processed, chemically-laden food in a box or a bag? I know I have been affected by this. My parents have alway done a garden my whole life, thankfully, so I feel like I am not too far behind however, I am still feel as if what I know is not enough and am trying desperately to catch up on knowledge that I should have acquired years ago.

It seems so foreign to me now that we rely on big companies to grow, process, package our food and then ship to us where we just buy it, happily thinking it will always be there. Somewhere along the way, knowledge of how to sustain yourself naturally has been lost to most of the population. It frightens me. Because for those who do grow and store their own food, they are going to have to fight tooth and nail to keep it once everyone else has run out of theirs.

And don't you find it funny that natural, organic food that you buy is more expensive and less available than the alternative? It's outrageous when you think about it. Natural food is what we were born to consume - it's our right as a human being to be able to eat food as it was meant to be. That we even have to label things organic instead of everything being grown the way it should be. I could go on and on and on!!!! I am so frustrated with the state of this country, with my own lack of knowledge, and with everyone else who points fingers at those who believe that nature has a cure for everything and then go right to the store to fill up on corn dogs and frozen pizza and soda pop (right after the visit to the doctor where they are told they have diabetes, clogged arteries, arthritis, etc and stop by the local pharmacy to fill up on toxic, poisonous drugs). What is wrong with this picture?? I could scream from the frustration it causes me.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel- every once in awhile if I stop and think about all of the disasters happening now, I start to get panicky. I have to stop and tell myself to "count my blessings" -it also helps to ease my anxiety a bit by buying extra food. I totally agree with what you said in your post except don't worry about so much about the "vast amount of knowledge" - you have a great start, just remember "baby steps."
