Saturday, May 5, 2012

Vaccine What??

I am opposed to vaccines.  Not new news.  And I am greatly opposed to this ludacris idea of putting candy in the form of vaccine shots.  What brilliant mind thought this up?   "Hey kids!  Medicine, drugs, and vaccines are like eating candy!"   This 'flavored liquid candy in a safe plastic injection' is just plain wrong.  
First of all - the 'flavored liquid candy' is just sugar!  Bad, bad, bad sugar.  I couldn't find anything that posted the ingredients list but most likely you would see the dangerous High-Fructose Corn Syrup along with equally dangerous dyes and coloring.  This is not something fit for consumption for our kids!
Second of all - I have felt very strongly lately that with the rise of parents becoming more informed of the dangers of vaccines - and yes, I would even say uselessness of them, - the vaccine companies are scrambling to dig their greedy little claws into unsuspecting parents even further.  Have you noticed all the vaccine campaign ads popping up like crazy on our televisions and billboards?  They are there to scare you.  Placing fear into people who don't know any better will assure that they get their kids vaccinated for anything and everything.  Is this candy just another tactic for conforming everyone to the idea that vaccines are safe, harmless and even wonderful?  
Now I know that there are people out there who have, sadly, been affected by something that "could have been prevented by a vaccine".  There are an even greater number of people out there who have been affected by the vaccine itself.   However, the more I read and research, the more I am convinced that it all comes down to our diet of cooked, dead, devoid-of-life food.  Even as mothers, the food we eat that we pass onto our infants through breastmilk greatly affects our children's their immune systems and their ability to fight off infection and illness.  Another reason why I urge you to consider eating as much  of a raw food diet as possible, void of as much animals as possible.  The proof is out there if you're willing to find it.
I admit it can be scary.  As a new mom, I went into my traditional doctor's office for a checkup and refused the vaccinations.  I was immediately questioned why and felt judgement from this doctor.  For a tiny second, listening to her and all the reasons why she feels babies should be vaccinated, I admit I wavered and questioned my own beliefs.  But I will not vaccinate my baby without feeling 100% sure about it and that is something I never will be.  And I'm glad I didn't.  I am still convinced that vaccines are useless and cause more sickness and deaths and only serve to make the drug companies richer.  

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