Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What's On My Food?

I wanted to share the following website I came across while researching a few things:

More and more I feel terribly frustrated and angry at the fact that our food supply is loaded with toxins and poisons, making it seem impossible to take anything into our bodies that isn't somehow tainted.  I can't understand why all of these known carcinogens, chemicals and toxins aren't illegal, especially since they are sprayed directly onto the food being grown.  It's no wonder we are as sick as we are and yet, still, people rarely stop to wonder about their food and the crucial part that it plays in our health and our ability to heal naturally.  Instead, we keep right on eating processed, dead and fake food and then fork out hundreds of dollars for drugs and shots and treatments that only treat the symptoms and never the actual problem.

The reason I go off on that little tantrum is because, going back to food being crucial to our health, even the good stuff is bad stuff.  Organic foods have most certainly seen higher demand but I think there needs to be more.  More people to be aware of what's on and in our food so that more people demand that the food grown and sold be safe and organic, free of poisons.  More people need to be aware  of where true health comes from...and it's from, primarily, our food - in its purest and most natural form.

  It is a terrible injustice that fertilizers and herbicides and pesticides are used so abundantly and carelessly and not disclosed to the consumer.  Think about it - if you were perusing the aisles of produce and decided to pick up an apple, would you still buy it if there were an 'ingredients' list of everything used on this apple and the effect it would have on your health?   Gone would be the bad food because instantly the demand for organic produce would take it's place in record speed, and then organic produce wouldn't be the more costly choice.

Take a look at what is called the Dirty Dozen.  Does it make you want to run out and buy a bushel of apples or bunches of spinach??  Only if it's organic.

Peruse through What's On My Food site, click on a few of your favorite and most commonly used foods and learn just what it is your consuming when you eat that apple, celery stick or strawberry.  Click on the Get Involved tab and do what you can to help spread the word and, therefore, the demand for clean, organic foods in their natural state.  I just did.

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