Monday, March 15, 2010

Weight Watchers and McDonald's....Seriously??

A friend in my neighborhood suggested some really great sites (thank you!) to read. As I was perusing through some articles I noticed one titled "Weight Watchers says eat at McDonald's to lose weight." What??? Well, apparenty Weight Watchers has put their stamp on chicken mcnuggets and a few other menu items as 'healthy' food!! Okay sure...and I weigh 90 lbs and model for Victoria Secret. Read the article - I love how the writer puts it all into perspective with words and my favorite part is this right here:

We live in a world where corporate promotional lies are disgusting at best, and criminal at worst. We're told that psychiatric drugs will make you happy, that chemotherapy will make you healthy and that eating at McDonald's will make you lose weight. We're told that sugary junk drinks will give you "energy", that toxic vaccines are necessary for your immune system to work correctly and that buying silly pink-ribbon products will somehow cure cancer.

At the same time, we're told that vitamins are dangerous, that sunlight causes cancer and that there's no such thing as a cure for type-2 diabetes. Everything that's good for you is discredited as bad while everything that's toxic is hyped up as "healthy."

I suppose in light of the corporate-sponsored sick-care insanity that passes for medical advice these days, the idea that eating at McDonald's will make you lose weight doesn't seem as insane as it really should.

But that doesn't make it any more true.

In a world gone mad with dietary misinformation touting fictional foods, insanity can now be marketed to the intoxicated mainstream as if it somehow made sense.

... and people swallow it.

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